Friday, July 27, 2012

This Classroom is Brought to you by Pinterest & Me :)

Here are a few pics of my "detective" theme room and the final products of my Pinterest items...
 Bins where students turn their work in - spray painted black and gave new labels to match the ones I made
  Classroom storage bins inspired by Pinterest - these are back to back along side my desk - one set is for students with printer & notebook paper, math manipulatives, and clipboards; the other is for me with craft materials, extra supplies (folders, new crayons, etc.), and other odds and ends. They perfectly fit the length of my desk. :)

 Drawers where I store pens, staples, etc. - inspired by Pinterest (spray painted)
 Clipboards - courtesy of Pinterest project
 New bathroom passes - final Pinterest project for the week
 Calendar board - would you believe I did this one board the most - didn't like anything I did
 Welcome back board - the red cards have all the different things we do in 5th grade and the yellow header says "Hot on the Trail of 5th Grade Success" - all are done in a cute font called Earwig Factory which looks like ransom letters
After the first week, I will change this to "Hot on the Trail of Reading Success" with my CAFE Posters and other reading strategy posters
 "Investigating Science" board - this will change to be decorated according to the unit of science we are studying - first up is The Scientific Method"
 New Guided Reading area set up - bookshelves hold all my teacher stuff, bins on top are for each reading group's materials, pink drawers will hold pencils, highlighters, post-its, etc. for groups, and filing cabinet has graphic organizers and forms, etc. for groups, as well as book units for literature clubs

 Math Problem Solving Board above my window - cute set that went with theme "Math PSI: Problem Solving Investigators" - each poster talks about the different strategies for problem solving exactly like our math series does


  1. Just found your blog and am your newest follower. My cousin is a middle school teacher in Cape Coral! I'd love it if you stopped by.:)
    iTeach 1:1

    1. Thanks - loved some of the ideas on your blog and I am your newest follower.

  2. I LOVE your Pinterest projects! Very cute!

  3. I have a bunch of pinterest projects that I working on right now! Glad to see someone is getting theirs done!

    Your newest follower,

    1. Thanks- I found way too much stuff on Pinterest, but have had a great time.


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